About Us
Horse Spirit was dreamt about and brought to life by Sandy Jean Sheehan. Horses were Sandy's passion. She and her husband traveled the country showing cutting horses in the National Cutting Horse Association (NCHA), where Sandy, along with her mare, Justa Swingin Farrah (pictured), attained many trophies and buckles including top in her class for her area, which included all of Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota. It was 2006 when Sandy and Leonard bought a chunk of land in the Brown Lee area south of Hayward, Wisconsin and built Whispering Oaks Equine Center where they bred, raised, and rescued many horses. A few years later, Sandy's most precious memories came to life when working with the youth, adults and combat veterans of the area using her horses as healers and working with connecting horse spirit to help both the young and older folks be the best they could be. Sandy lost her battle with cancer on August 23, 2015, but her legacy and passion for horses and people carries on through her husband and the non-profit organization, Horse Spirit.